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Custom Packaging
Custom Packaging

We offer best custom packaging online. Our custom printed boxes with lowest price and top quality printing results.

Online custom boxes
Online custom boxes

We offer best custom printed boxes online. Our custom printed boxes with lowest price and top quality printing results.

Box Manufacturer
Box Manufacturer

Talk to them and discuss your ideas, many of these manufacturers do not have a minimum order requirement to buy in bulk ..

Online Display Boxes
Online Display Boxes

Another key element to focus is the Design of the display boxes. Creating a simple and aesthetically pleasing display wi ..

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Buy Pillow Box

Custom pillow boxes are one of the trendiest and in demand packaging for gift items or simply as give away items.

Creative Retail Packaging
Creative Retail Packaging

reaching the end consumer. However many retailers and manufacturers think that getting a retail packaging that exactl ..

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Packaging News

Get the up-to-date Packaging news that can make a difference in your personal and professional lives. Get the top packag ..

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Innovative Ideas

Trendy and latest Innovative Ideas about packaging. Boxes and packaging trends are changing on day to day basis.

What is most Eye-Catching for you when you buy something at a market—A survey Report


An organization named WePack recently conducted a survey, sampling out 650 UK citizens. 40% said that they get impressed by the colors of the packaging and about a quarter of the individuals said that they get attracted by the imagery on the product packaging.

The exact figures are as follows for the color and imagery.

37% said that they get impressed by the color

25% said that the look at imagery

15% choose the product packaging size

11% like to look at shapes

9% look at the texture.

This survey counts for both the online and offline markets. This affirms the previous research done in this respect that revealed that the color of the packaging plays a dominant part in selling the products. 

9% of the subjects participating in the survey choose the texture of the packaging; it has been found that men are more inclined towards the feel of the packaging than women. As much as 59 subjects who voted for the texture of a product package 70% of them were men. This clearly implies that brands that sell products directed towards men should find ways to communicate the feel of their products more effectively.

This survey also found that the women are more attracted towards color than men. As much as 31% of men as compared to 43% of women were attracted towards the color of the product.

This discovery also suggests that that the brands do not have to redesign or rethink their packaging. Rather the companies with an online presence can take advantage of the freedom of digital graphics and effects that is available by the digital media and enhance the presentation of their products resorting on the information available on this research report.   

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